
Our Code of Ethics

In today’s environment, ethics and compliance have become a top priority for a growing number of customers and stakeholders. To serve you better, we remain firm in our commitment to high ethical standards and principles embedded in our core values.

Our ethics for you

Since the founding members originally formed the company from the merger of the group, ethics have been fundamental to our business. We continue to use ethics to build trust with our customers, shareholders, team members, suppliers and other stakeholders:

  • Our customers: offering solutions and business skills and technologies that meet their needs and provide the expected results;
  • Our shareholders: remain responsible for achieving profitable and sustainable growth and providing accurate corporate and financial information in a transparent and timely manner;
  • Our team members: paying attention to their careers and well-being, offering challenging goals and fair rewards and ensuring a diverse workforce and work environment;
  • Our alliances: our partners and our suppliers: conduct business on an equitable and ethical basis with and act in accordance with our sustainable procurement principles;
  • The communities in which we operate and live close together: acting in a socially responsible way, minimizing the impact of our business activity on the environment through a continuous rise towards sustainability;

Ethics and Compliance Program

To safeguard the reputation of Merwealth Limited and strengthen our competitive advantage, the Group has launched an Ethics and Compliance program to:

  • Develop a sustainable ethical culture that strengthens integrity and leads to ethical behavior
  • Strengthen the knowledge and  awareness of international regulations and national laws and internal policies applicable to Group companies
  • Implement initiatives to strengthen prevention and aim to avoid illicit and violation in the field of ethics and compliance

Organization and network:

Merwealth Limited identifies a corporate manager in the management of the Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer at Group level. Each employee receives the code of business ethics and expects to comply with it and will follow a specific training

Thank you